Thursday, February 26, 2009

It was a dark and stormy night...

Well, it wasn't exactly stormy, but it was full of intrigue nonetheless. I was walking back to my dorm after another enthralling late night meteorology lecture (not once did I nod off; a new record!), minding my own business, when what other than a small grey streak should cut across the otherwise lonely, dark sidewalk. "Could it be?" I thought to myself. "Could this mean that I wasn't just seeing things, this same time of night a few weeks prior?" I continued along the sidewalk and stopped where the grey streak had dissapeared. And there she was: the elusive campus rabbit. We both stood still in the still darkness eying each other; her with the creepy one-eyed glare of a rabbit. I attempted to take a picture with my phone (because no one else seems to believe in the existence of on-campus rabbits) but all I got was a small grey dot in the middle of some brownish dead-looking grass. Some footsteps of another late classer were heard in the distance and she was gone.

Yes, a rabbit! What is so strange about this is that no one else seems to have encountered one. This all reminds me a certain mouse who took up residence in my sisters' car. Only Kristin had ever seen the mouse, despite sharing the car with two other sisters. Needless to say, the rest of us came to know it as "Kristin's special mouse." Apparently it either only trusted Kristin enough to grace her with its presence, or it had malicious designs to make her look delusional. I am beginning to know how Kristin felt...

Monday, February 23, 2009

So This is Blogging?

Well, I suppose that since I have so much free time inbetween classes, it's about time I start blogging. It would definitely be more productive than the usual activities that I engage in when I don't feel like doing homework. But I must say that since I moved into the dorms and cut out the forty five minute commute to and from school, my solitare success rate has greatly improved. :)