Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I don't like dances. Never have. I cannot fathom a situation where I would feel more awkward, namely because:

(A) High heels don't agree with me
(B) I DON'T dance
(C) My quiet voice + the cacophany of the dance floor = the most awkward conversations ever.

So what do I say when a sorority sister asks me if I want to go to on a blind date to the fraternity valentines formal? .... yes.

This is college, isn't it? I'm supposed to grow and try new things. I think. After I said yes, I even had the pleasant thought that maybe I wouldn't have to wear high heels. Who cares if it's formal and who cares what one's older sisters think is fashionable? All that matters to me is if my dress isn't too short, doesn't look like it belongs in napoleon dynamite (though that would be AWESOME. If only I were brave...), and is modest. So, I even almost kinda sorta looked forward to Friday. I was so proud of myself for willing to subject myself to new experiences (social ones, at that).

And then, I get this text, fifteen minutes after I sent the my answer: "Shoot sorry :( he found someone!"

Ha. Awesome.

Don't like dances anyway.

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